Latest News from Myers Spring

myers spring achieves iatf 16949:2016 certification

Myers Spring Company is proud to announce it has achieved IATF 16949:2016 certification, making it one of the first companies in the area and among the very first spring companies to do so.  Myers Spring’s Quality Management System was certified to IATF 16949:2016 standards by NQA (National Quality Assurance, U.S.A.) for its Quality Management System for the manufacture of springs and wire forms.  This IATF standard is a common automotive quality system requirement that emphasizes continual improvement, defect prevention and reduction of variation and waste.

The company also received certification by ISO 9001:2015 standards for the manufacture of steel wire springs.  The ISO standards help companies with customer satisfaction, process and product improvement, operational efficiency, risk management and more and the 2015 version represents the most up-to-date thinking and best practices.

Myers Spring Company produces quality, fine wire precision springs with spring grade up to 1.000” and 1.200” annealed.  These springs are produced from a range of materials and are integral components for a variety of products, including high tech–precision instruments, military applications, industrial, automotive, agricultural equipment, appliances, toys and many other consumer products.